Rolls Royce Spectre

What you see isn’t always the truth and if ever an automotive shoot deserved a BTS it was this one shot at Mars Volume Studio however with a strictly enforced zero mobile phone policy any BTS was not going to be an option.

At Mars Volume a mixed reality stage is created with CGI created backgrounds that are projected/played on the screens and the real Rolls Royce Spectre is situated directly in front of them. In theory the reflections of the virtual environment reflect directly back onto the real car and the image is all in camera.

The Rolls Royce Spectre isn’t just any EV though. Its MASSIVE! The size of the car posed several real world problems for me to solve notably its proximity to the screens and the inherent pixellation of the refraction of the screens back onto the car. Careful selection of angles, maximising distance from screens and post-production subtleties came into play to deliver the suite of images.
