Publisher of ProfiFoto Magazine, Germany
Simon is something like a marathon runner in the field of creative photography, because for decades he manages to surprise with his photography on a very high professional level, both, with his commissioned work as well as with his personal projects. The only thing I worry about is that one day he wants to meet me in my kitchen ...
Photographer, gallery owner, collector, university professor, curator and benefactor, Hamburg
So much talent for such a bad cause.
Digicopter CEO, Pilot, and Constructor | DOP Aerial Pictures, Hannover
Simon is an absolute pro in his field. That’s why he let’s us as pros in our field create the images for him he’s been dreaming about.
Seungmo Lim
BMW Exterior Designer
Your film and photos for the BMW Concept 4 dramatise every perspective of my car and my design. The film highlights the essence of the 4 with full expression. Thank you for your work.
Senior Art and Design Director, Head of Art GTB UK
Simon's talent not only lies in his photographic craft, but also in his work ethic and time management. He's a pleasure to work with and shares a desire for detail and quality. I wouldn't hesitate for the opportunity to shoot again with Simon, he's energetic, passionate and has a great creative eye.
Executive Vice President Marketing Volkswagen
I absolutely enjoyed working with Simon. His work ethic is exceptional in the industry. Even in intense situations he stays calm, relaxed and never loses his focus. Simon’s creative approach is unprecedented. An artist and absolute expert in making design language work in his pictures. When you need a professional in premium car photography, Simon is the one to contact.
Tony Swinney
Mustard Post
Simon lives and breathes photography. A relentless image maker with a ‘let´s try it’ attitude. His mindset ensures that every angle and aspect of every shoot is captured to such a high standard that it makes the first edit a joy, and the post production a breeze. Always open to creative ideas, our collaborations are engaging, exciting and egoless. The result is great photography.
Design Director Saatchi & Saatchi Design, London
God I’ve struggled with this, and not because I can’t think of anything nice to say. It’s because I do pictures. Not words. So here goes: Simon is a great photographer. Always the consummate professional. He also has an excellent sense of humour. Is that OK? Small denominations are best, thanks!
Motorvated Creative, Cambridge
Beyond cool. Very very creative. Unique. Never resting. Not afraid. Pushing the craft. Love it.
Cristin Shea
Executive Producer, Found Production
Part visual savant, part Energizer bunny. He’s a doer. Executor of ideas, and skilled promoter of the final product. In a humble, ‘no big deal, I just invented a new photography technique’, kinda way. Lover of vegetables, iced Americanos, and a good road trip soundtrack. Oh, and he’s genuinely a good human. And always, great company.
Julia Obermeier
Creative Director BMW
Thank you, Simon for transforming red into “forbidden red” and bringing the BMW Concept 4 project to life in the boldest, brightest, an shiniest light one could ever wish for. As we say - More Is more - less is bore.
David Hortmann
Senior Editor
Simon is a punk, I love his projects, I love the way he thinks, I love his work. Editing with Simon is like - forget all the laws of editing, do what you ever want, try to make everything look different and let's rock this, baby! I'm happy when you are happy. It is a pleasure to work with him. His results are outstanding. Always looking forward to editing new Projects with him.
Senior Art Producer at Garage Team Mazda, Los Angeles
Simon´s pursuit in uncovering new techniques and subjects matters is inspiring.
former Director of Art Production David & Goliath, Los Angeles
Simon has been asking me to write this statement for a few months, and I have not responded. (Pretty sure he thinks I’m dodging him.) But, actually, I have been thinking about this a ton. Every time I try to put into words how highly I think of both his work and his person, whatever I write isn’t good enough. Which I think is truly the best testimonial I can produce: Simon makes me a failure. I eagerly await every instance that he makes me feel like a shitty, visionless, piece of human garbage."
Fabian Weigt
Executive Producer Stereo Films Hamburg
Simon is a walking, talking source of ideas, creativity, passion and multiple arts. If you have a chance - walk with him for a while!
Global Marketing Solutions Lead, Facebook EMEA, Dublin
Simon’s talents in turning concept into beautiful reality are unmatched, much like his passion for his craft.
Associate Creative Director Venable Bell & Partners, San Francisco
Simon’s talents speak for themselves. He’s an absolute pleasure to work with and very collaborative. All projects have their challenges and surprises. Simon was unfazed and continued to bring great ideas and solutions.
Michel de Vries
Creative Director of Michel de Vries Gmbh & Co KG
I met Simon as a football fan, a connaisseur of tasty beers, good food and grunge music. Tense, fun, focus or deep conversations - you never get bored having him around. When it comes to work, I love to play ping pong thoughts and ideas with him, creating solutions or squeezing budgets for a better result. Even bad conditions cannot stop him from being passionate, reliable and enormously creative. His skills in photography and filming, catching the right moments, motivating the team members to their limits is unparalleled. Simon is inspiring to everybody.
Tom Stein
617 digital, Senior Retouching Artist
Simon is a humble dominator. Fastidious but inspiring. I am always more than happy to work for him.